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Advent of Code, day 2

We made it to Day 2 of Advent of Code I have kept my promise for 2 days in a row. As weird as it seems for this day and age, I have kept my promise and today is the day 2 of the Advent of Code, this time with elves involved. There you go, the statement of today's first problem down below: And usual, my solution: import pandas as pd import re import numpy as np filepath = "/content/input 1.txt" with open (filepath, 'r' ) as file :     lines = [line.strip() for line in file .readlines()] lines_split = [] for line in lines:   token = re.findall(r '\w+|[^\s\w]' , line)   lines_split.append(token) blue_list = [] green_list = [] red_list = [] for line in lines_split:   blue,green,red = 0 , 0 , 0   for ix, word in enumerate (line):     if word == "blue" :       if blue < int (line[ix -1 ]):         blue = int (line[ix -1 ])     if word == "green" :       if green < int (line[ix -1 ]):         green = int (line[ix -1 ])
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