Buffing the unwrapper with a face recognition algorithm
Boosting my previous code with Machine Learning in order to obtain a more precise result of the unwrapped face, the result is not necessarily better tho.
Just a quick note before continuing, I am learning all of this with YouTube, reading the OpenCV docs which btw are really explicative and simple to understand, and googling stuff in StackOverflow that basically someone has asked before. I will add some resources at the end of the entry.
*This is a continuation of what I explained in my previous entry, so if you want a bit of background, go check that one out* (https://achefethings.blogspot.com/2021/03/unwrapping-someones-face-to-make.html)
So now what I did, I was watching a YouTube video and saw that you can do face recognition, among many other features such as car plates, eyes, hands, and many other cool things, so my first idea was to do some kind of alarm that would recognize household members (to do so it would be needed to have it trained with a large number of photos of each of the members that you want it to recognize) and to have this alarm system connected with a Whatsapp API that would send you a message every time someones not recognized enters the house or for instance to know who is at home at each moment. I think this will come in future entries, but for now, let's come back to the unwrapper.
Then while I was running a bit I thought that face recognition would make for a very cool way to improve my previous code's flaws. Being its main disadvantage that the video of the head-spinning would need to be right in the middle of the screen, or otherwise, it would just print out horrible things or at least not funny ones.
So that's what I did, I first learn how to use these libraries and I then implemented into my previous code. Here you have it fully in case you want some or inspiration, are curious about how it is done or simply want to try it for yourself.
import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np
import os
video = cv.VideoCapture('C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/video/video.mp4')
success,image = video.read()
haar_cascade = cv.CascadeClassifier('haar_face.xml')
count = 0
while success:
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/frame/frame%d.jpg" % count, image) # save frame as JPEG file
success,image = video.read()
count += 1
print('Read Frame #', count)
numero = list(range(0,215))
j = 0
for i in numero:
lectura = cv.imread("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/frame/frame" + str(i) + ".jpg")
gray = cv.cvtColor(lectura,cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
haar_cascade = cv.CascadeClassifier('haar_face.xml')
faces_rect = haar_cascade.detectMultiScale(gray, scaleFactor=1.1,minNeighbors=6)
for (x,y,w,h) in faces_rect:
img_crop = lectura[(y-100):(y+h+300),(x-100):(x+w+300)]
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/rectangle/rectangle%d.jpg" % i, img_crop)
print("Face Frame #:", i)
frames_validos = []
for i in numero:
lectura = "C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/rectangle/rectangle" + str(i) + ".jpg"
img_original = cv.imread(lectura)
dimensions = img_original.shape
[y, h, x ,w ] = [0,int(dimensions[0]),int((int(dimensions[1])/2)-1),1]
img_crop = img_original[y:h,x:x+w]
dim = img_crop.shape
if dim[0] > 350:
resized = cv.resize(img_crop, (1,400), interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/crop/crop%d.jpg" % i,resized)
print(f'Frame #: {i} added')
j = j + 1
os.remove("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/rectangle/rectangle" + str(i) + ".jpg")
print(f'Frame #: {i} killed')
print(f'Number of frames added: {j}')
crop = []
for n in frames_validos:
new_resize = cv.resize(n,(1,400),interpolation=cv.INTER_AREA)
# cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/crop/crop%d.jpg" % n,new_resize)
im_h_1 = cv.hconcat(crop)
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/nuevo/forward.jpg", im_h_1)
print("Concat Done")
im_h_2 = cv.flip(im_h_1, 1)
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/nuevo/backward.jpg", im_h_2)
forward = cv.imread("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/nuevo/forward.jpg")
backward = cv.imread("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/nuevo/backward.jpg")
im_final = cv.hconcat([backward,forward])
cv.imwrite("C:/Users/Usuario/PycharmProjects/wrapping/nuevo/final.jpg", im_final)
So, the first thing that changes with respect to the previous one is that top I bring this haar_face.xml file that you can find here (https://github.com/opencv/opencv/blob/master/data/haarcascades/haarcascade_frontalface_default.xml) among many other recognition file thingies that I quite don't understand yet. I then apply the classifier which to the frames of my video together with the .xml file, this would create a rectangle where the classifier thinks my face is.
Since I found out that this rectangle was often too small in comparison to my actual face, I added some margins around it so the final result looks a bit nicer, and many other times the software would not be able to recognize me or simply it would locate my face somewhere else.*
Here a photo of a directory with many Pablo's recognized, and some that have not been recognized.
I had to filter all the "locations" of my face to discard the ones that were wrong, an if statement with some dimensions was enough to do it. And since the size of the detected faces in each frame would be different I had to resize them for them to have all the same size, otherwise, the concatenation thing would have failed.
From that point on, the code is basically the same, except for the fact that now it cut rights in the middle of my detected face instead of in the middle of the original frame.
Here the video I used to compose the picture above with my face being detected at every moment.
Before finishing, I will leave you here a link to all the files that I've used and that you will need in case that you want to try it out by yourself.
Here you go: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1wdMN5EicW1BgkARK_nV_8JNHPd95p4lF/view?usp=sharing
And some links to the resources that have helped me so much to my stupid projects (at least I'm learning, ok? it's that much of a waste of time):
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oXlwWbU8l2o&t=9863s (look for the Face Recognition section in the comments box)
- https://docs.opencv.org/master/d6/d00/tutorial_py_root.html
- https://es.stackoverflow.com/
So, hope you like this entry, for the next one I am preparing something with 3D printing, something useful and not those figurines and shit like that that people that do not knowhow of 3D printing think when talking about it. I'm also preparing for my Master Thesis defense, which will be next Monday, hopefully, when you hear about me again I have already graduated.
Bye, thanks for reading me, if you arrived here, I love you.
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